TripPrediction – Logistics, Mobility Simplified

TripPrediction – Logistics, Mobility Simplified
This picture is only to depict features that differentiates us on map interface.

As we are moving ahead with new features, we are opening up on older features. Trip prediction has been one of the important features of TripMantu. A probable search that you do in google maps to check out your future trips gives you time in Hours, whereas we calculate the duration based on an individual’s traveling style, and further predicts probable halts at the visiting places.

In the above example, a trip from Bangalore to Belum Caves, Gandikota then back to Bangalore requires approx 13.5 Hrs when searched in google maps. When we make the same plan in TripMantu, we get 37 Hrs spread over two days with a prediction of Gandikota as probable halt.

  • Though the source of route and co-ordinates are from google maps, we top it up with our inhouse mobility and logistics algorithm to predict the halts and the other items.

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