More accurate identification

More accurate identification
WhatsApp bot interface for TripMantu

The API interface underlying our WhatsApp/email/UI channels has undergone a significant upgrade, featuring a crucial NLP update. This upgrade addresses previous issues with incorrect identification of places and eliminates problems caused by spelling mistakes. Spelling errors were a major challenge in the chat/text interface, as the lack of autocomplete functionality often led to guesswork during place identification and selection by users. With the latest NLP enhancements, the accuracy of place identification has increased tenfold.

Prior to the enhancement, we experienced a 60% rate of incorrect route generation over the whatsApp interface, resulting in the loss of API credits and detracting from the user experience. However, post-enhancement, we now boast virtually 100% accurate routes, significantly boosting our confidence to pursue more aggressive marketing strategies.

Each enhancement we introduce aims to elevate the product to new levels of acceptability, ultimately enhancing the value of the efforts invested in its development.

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